ESI/PF Registration
Employee's State Insurance Corporation (ESI) is a self-ESI provides employees registered the
scheme with a host of medical and sickness benefits.
ESI/PF Registration
Employee’s State Insurance Corporation (ESI) is a self-ESI provides employees registered the
scheme with a host of medical and sickness benefits. Employees registered under the scheme can avail medical facilities and are also entitled for sick pay benefits. ESI Registration for Employers having more than 10 employees. Employees Provident Fund (EPF) is a scheme controlled by the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. … PF registration is applicable for all establishments
which employs 20 or more persons, subject to certain circumstances and exemptions even if they engage less than 20 employees.

Procedure For ESI/PF Registration
Complete our Simple Form
You need to fill our simple ESI registration questionnaire and submit documents.
After submitting your ESI registration documents, details provided by you will be verified.
Submitting the Application Forms
There are different application forms to be filled and submitted. We will fill the these forms using the information provided by you.
Your work is now completed
Once your ESI Registration is complete, we shall send you the 17-digit identification Code Number, Employee Insurance Number and Temporary Identity Card.
Documents Required For ESI Registration
- Registration Certificate or Licence issued under Shops and Establishment Acts or Factories Act.
- Address Proof: Latest Rent receipt of the premises you are occupying indicating the capacity in which the premises are occupied, if applicable.
- Latest building Tax/Property Tax receipt (Photocopy).
- Memorandum and Articles of Association/Partnership Deed/Trust Deed depending on the entity that is applying for registration.
- Photocopy of certificate of Commencement of production and/or Registration No. of CST/ST (or GST once it becomes applicable).
- Copy of PAN Card
- Evidence in support of the date of commencement of production/business/first sale (e.g. Copy of First Invoice).
- Month wise employment position, salary etc.
- Copy of bank statement
Steps for ESIC Registration
Establishmentsor Factoriesmust get themselves registered within 15 days of the Act becoming applicable to them by submitting an Employer’s Registration Form (Form-01) to the relevant Regional Office.
A 17-digit identification number called the Code number will be provided which must be used in all Correspondence relating to the Scheme. Form 3 (Return on Declaration) must also be submitted along with Form 1.
At the time of joining the insurable employment, employees are required to fill in aDeclaration Form (Form1) and submit two copies of a family photo to the employer, which must be submitted to the relevant ESI Branch Office by his employer.
The employee will then be allotted an insurance number for the purpose of his identification under the scheme.
The employees will also be issued a temporary identity card for availing medical benefit for him/herself and his/her family for a duration of three months.
Thereafter, he will be provided with a permanent photo identity card. A person once registered need not register again when there is a change of employment. The same registration can be transferred from one employment to another.
Advantages of ESI Registration
- It provides complete medical benefits
- It includes dependants
- It can be used at different ESI dispensaries and hospitals
- Any payments made will be reimbursed
- It takes the needs of the disabled into account
- Access to Medical care in ESI Dispensaries/Hospitals

What’s included in package?
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the procedure for registration of an employer?
2. Is it mandatory for the employer to register under ESI?
3. What are the compliance requirements?
4. Whether the benefits grant to insured employees are transferable?
5. In which cities does Masras Filings provide ESI Registration?
6. Is it mandatory for the Employer to register under the scheme?
7. What is the ESI Code number?
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